Sunday, December 9, 2007

In Response to "Sales Tax or Income Tax"

By Bill Pickle

The author of this commentary puts forth their ideas in a logical and easily understood fashion. The writer is clear on where he stand on the issue, but the arguments could have been better thought out and backed up with more than personal anecdotes. The blog is easy to read overall.

In a just society all citizens should pay equally for the services the government should provide. A progressive income tax does not provide this. I should not have to pay more taxes just because I am talented enough to be more productive and earn more than someone who works at Taco Bell. The fact that someone is too pathetic and or to lazy to find a job should not excuse them from paying for the services that useful citizens pay for. Income and property taxes are taxes on productivity. Socialist wealth redistribution schemes makes everyone equally poor and miserable. Productive and talented people should not be punished for being talented and productive. The only fair tax is a tax that all citizens are bound to pay equally. The sales tax is the closest we have to that.